Well I haven't really done much running this year. Can't seem to find my motivation. Skipped the Polar Bear Plunge (actually forgot about it and did 4.5 miles that day instead). Way off schedule regarding my marathon training plan for Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon in April but I am not ready to quit on it yet. I think if I can get a long run of 10 or so miles in this weekend I can find my mojo again and play catch up so to speak enough that I could safely complete the marathon. This weekend will be the determining factor though.
On a positive note, I recieved my email from Marine Corps Marathon today regarding how to register for the MCM 2013. I deferred last year due to my unusually stressful year. I think it was a good decision and it gives me the opportunity to participate this year without having to pay the full registration fee again (I paid a deferrment fee). I am not officially re-registered yet because I can't actually do that until Feb 27 but I am excited about running again! That email was the spark I needed!!! Can't wait to get out there and run this weekend and get back to a regular routine!
October 27, 2013 |
Interested in running the Marine Corps Marathon? Registration for Active Duty starts Feb 23, 2013. Registration for the public opens March 27, 2013. It sold out in 2 hours and 41 minutes last year so be ready at your computer if you want to run it in 2013.
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